2nd Course on Variant Interpretation and Prioritization in Medical Genomics

In cooperation with IBG-Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center and Acıbadem University, on 21-25 September 2024, ‘2nd Variant Interpretation and Prioritization in Medical Genomics’ course will be held.

The course covers the analysis of data generated by next-generation sequencing technology, using current technologies, with the aim of identifying the causal variant(s) of a disease of interest, and up-to-date information on relevant databases, in silico pathogenicity prediction tools, and variant filtering and prioritization methods.

Topics such as next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, data analysis and variant filtering, interpretation and prioritization, and reporting and ethics will be covered in the course. With practical applications and workshops, participants will be provided with practice in bioinformatics data processing and analysis, and practical sessions will be held to analyze the participants’ own data.

The course is co-organized by Prof. Yasemin Alanay (Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University Faculty of Medicine) and Prof. Uğur Özbek (Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center-IBG). Dr. Özkan Özdemir, Dr. Özden Hatirnaz Ng, Dr. Özlem Akgün Doğan and Dr. Kaya Bilgüvar from Acıbadem Univeristy; and Dr. Nihat Buğra Ağaoğlu from Dana Farber Cancer Institute will take part in the course as instructors.

The main target audience of the course has been determined as genetic and genomic researchers, bioinformatics experts, clinical geneticists, medical doctors and clinical researchers, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry professionals, academics and students, and healthcare professionals.

The course will be held on September 21-25, 2024 at DEU’s Seferihisar facilities in İzmir.

For more information, please visit or register here.

You may view the detailed course program here or download it below.

Course Program (in Turkish)

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