Duchenne Family Meeting at IBG

As part of our ongoing commitment, RareBoost is organizing thematic rare disease awareness month. September 2024 has been designated as “Rare Neuromuscular Diseases Awareness Month”.  

One of these events is the “Duchenne Family Meeting” to be held in collaboration with the Family Association and the ‘target DMD’ project on September 28, 2024.


Registration: 11:30am-12:00pm

Opening: (12:00PM-12:10PM)

MODERATORS: Prof. Uğur Özbek & Assoc. Prof. Gülçin Akıncı

12:10pm-12:35pm: Prof.Dr. Uluç Yiş, Standard Care Guidelines for Duchenne Follow-up

12:35-1:00: Assoc.Prof. Berk Özyılmaz, Genetic Approach to Duchenne

1:00pm-1:10pm: COFFEE BREAK

1:10pm-1:35pm: Assoc.Prof. Tülay Demircan, Pediatric Cardiology Approach to Duchenne

1:35pm-2:00pm: Assist.Prof. Gökçen KARTAL ÖZTÜRK, Pulmonary Approach to Duchenne

2:00pm-2:25pm: Assoc.Prof. Banu Dilek, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Approach to Duchenne

2:25pm-2:30pm: Discussion

We look forward to seeing you at the Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center on Saturday, September 28, 2024, at the ‘Duchenne Family Meeting’ event. 

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