Students Compete at Rare Hackathon to Solve Rare Cases

In recognition of Rare Disease Day, February 28, RareBoost brought together life and health sciences students for the Rare Hackathon, an interactive event to solve problems in diagnosing and treating rare diseases.

The competition challenged students to collaborate on innovative solutions for yet-undiagnosed patients.

The day was divided into two sessions. In the morning session, student teams spent time working on difficult cases of Fabry disease and leukodystrophy, employing interdisciplinary approaches to diagnose cases and recommend solutions. In the afternoon session, teams shared their findings and solutions, and a panel of judges reviewed their approach based on scientific rigor, feasibility, and creativity. The best solutions were rewarded.

By joining the Rare Hackathon, the participants gained exposure to the difficulties of rare disease treatment and diagnosis while strengthening their skills in teamwork, problem-solving, and evidence-based reasoning.

We extend our sincere gratitude to all the participants, mentors, and organizers whose dedication and efforts made this event a success.

RareBoost will continue its efforts to raise awareness and drive research and innovation in rare diseases.

Dr. Yavuz Oktay
Prof. Dr. Semra Hız
Prof. Dr. Nur Arslan
Morning Session
Morning Session
Morning Session
Afternoon session
Afternoon session
Afternoon session
Afternoon session
Afternoon session
Award Ceremony
1st Place Winners
Award Ceremony
Award Ceremony
Rare Hackathon Group Photo

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